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Days of Artistic Quarter Celje #3

The Artistic Quarter, located at the start of the Gosposka and Na Okopih Street along the Savinja riverwalk sprang up in 2004 and 2005 when the Municipality of Celje invited the local artists to move into defunct and abandoned elite boutiques and handicraft workshops flanking a tiny square.

It is one of the few well-rounded creative areas of this type in the country, and it has been a notable part of the Celje cultural and arts scene for nearly a decade. Currently, the studios are used by a variety of artists who also run the AQ Gallery.


Sales exhibition, my part:

Making christmas tree ball with copyright photos. The idea is copyrighted by Ana Straže

Odprta vrata ateljejev, predstavitve celjskih umetnikov, prodaja umetniških del, umetniški dogodki in delavnice, druženje.

Obisk dogodkov DNEVI UMETNIŠKE CETRTI je brezplacen.

Dnevi umetniške cetrti so namenjeni umetniški popestritvi decembrskega dogajanja v Celju. V 14 dneh se bodo tukaj zvrstili razni dogodki, ki so tako ali drugace vezani na umetnost in prakso tukajšnjih ustvarjalcev. Umetniki bodo predstavili svoje ateljeje in delo, odprli skupinsko prodajno razstavo in razstavo v »3 izložbah«, izvajali kulinaricne performanse, delavnice za otroke ter poskrbeli za pestro kreativno druženje.


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© Aftermath of Art Thinking by ANA STRAŽE, 2020. 

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